The Mind Whisperer

Create it Now

Embrace your Power

Radiate Inner Confidence

Maximize your Abundance

June 12 - 13, 2024

8 am to 5 pm PST

Followed by 11

90-minute Weekly Transformations

Registrations Ends

Awarding Winning

Financially Fit Transformation

For Heart Centered Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Healers

Aligning you, money, and your business to create instantaneous results

while increasing your revenue 25% or more, consistently

  • Restore Back to Wholeness

  • Unleash your Inner Power

  • Ignite unstoppable confidence

For those who want:

  • The ability to attract your clients in an effortless flow

  • The desire to increase your revenue 25% or more, consistently

  • To have more focus, clarity, and balance in life

  • Design your lifestyle roadmap with more vacation time, play time, and family time

  • Who want instant results

The Award Winning

Program Includes:

  • One ticket to the 2-day Financially Fit Transformation Personal Money Alignment Training

  • 11 LIVE and Custom Transformational Weeks

  • Limited Edition Workbook

  • High Performance Accountability

  • Customized training for your Personal Transformation

  • The Emotion Wheel

  • Digital Copy of the international best selling book: Financially Fit

Sarah Dupree on her Financially Fit Transformation

Misty Kerrigan on week 1 Financially Fit Transformation

Ashley Soro on her coaching Transformation

Kick off with a 2-day Transformational workshop and supercharge your success with rapid measurable results,

then progress through 3 phases, customized for you

Focus: Most of us are sleeping through life, completely unaware, believing that life is happening to you, not for you. There is one universal law that always applies – what you focus on, creates. Focus works on the personal side, reframing and redefining money.

Clarity: Redefine the perfect avatar, mission, vision, and positioning statements, but take it one step further: recondition the subconscious to magnetically attract the perfect client and bring the desired outcomes.

Balance: The blend between work and home life can be intimating. Fear & overwhelm can take over, feeling of being an imposter, and where do I add value becomes apparent. Create and maintain this inner balance now.

First Transformation: 2-Day Workshop learning the technique: Discover, Identify, Release, and Transform


Transformation 2: New Patterns - New Results

Transformation 3: Money Blocks

Transformation 4: Opening Prosperity Doors

Transformation 5: The Millionaire Mindset


Transformation 6: Key Words & your Avatar

Transformation 7: Live your Vision

Transformation 8: Be your Mission Why

Transformation 9: Positioning Statements


Transformation 10: Releasing Fear & Overwhelmed

Transformation 11: Your Lifestyle Roadmap

Transformation 12: You, The Authority Expert

Office: Bigfork, Montana USA

TXT + (406) 732-2876


International Healer | Best-Selling Author | Professional Speaker | Podcaster | Retreat Host

Copyright: © 2023 The Healing Heart Inc.

All Rights Reserved